
Rassemblez vos projets de vision par ordinateur en un seul et même endroit.

Faites passer vos applications IA du développement à la production et automatisez vos flux de travail avec des pipelines MLOps de bout en bout.

What you should know

Before getting started

Qui sommes nous ?

Picsellia est une plateforme MLOps basée sur le cloud pour la vision par ordinateur. Nous offrons une plateforme centralisée pour les entreprises cherchant à mettre en production des modèles d'IA pour des cas d'utilisation visuels tels que les villes intelligentes, l'analyse sportive ou l'inspection de qualité à travers l'Europe.

Fondée en 2019, Picsellia propose un ensemble d'outils pour rechercher, visualiser et explorer des millions d'images afin de créer des ensembles de données significatifs, former des modèles d'IA et les surveiller en production.

Nous donnons aux ingénieurs en apprentissage automatique et aux équipes produit les moyens de transférer les bonnes pratiques logicielles et DevOps dans le monde de l'apprentissage automatique (comprenez MLOps). Nous sommes une équipe de 12 personnes passionnées cherchant à devenir le leader de la catégorie en MLOps pour la vision par ordinateur en Europe au cours des 5 prochaines années. Pour accomplir cette mission, nous avons levé des fonds lors de deux tours de financement et cherchons à élargir l'équipe à plus de 20 personnes en 2023, c'est donc un moment clé pour nous rejoindre :)

À propos de Picsellia

Alors que le marché de l'IA gagne en maturité, les entreprises ont besoin d'aide pour mettre en place leur stratégie et réussir enfin leur transformation digitale grâce au Machine Learning (et plus précisément dans notre cas, à la Vision par Ordinateur).

C'est pourquoi notre mission est divisée en deux parties :

  • La première : nous devons développer la meilleure plateforme possible pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients dans le cadre de leurs projets, c'est-à-dire de la collecte des données au déploiement des modèles.
  • La seconde : nous proposons des services de conseil pour les aider à rassembler et organiser les données, à prototyper leurs modèles, à établir leur stratégie de déploiement, etc.

Présentation du produit

Picsellia est une plateforme de Machine Learning de bout en bout composée de 4 parties principales :

  • Gestion des données
  • Suivi des expériences
  • Registre des modèles
  • Déploiement et monitoring

Comme notre plateforme est destinée à être utilisée par différents types d'utilisateurs (Data Scientists chargés de nettoyer les données dans l'interface, Data Engineers et DevOps chargés de créer des pipelines entre Picsellia et d'autres services...), chaque fonctionnalité peut être utilisée avec l'interface utilisateur ou avec nos APIs (à travers notre SDK Python).

À propos de l'équipe Machine Learning

Aujourd'hui, les capacités de Data Science de Picsellia reposent sur le CTO et des stagiaires. Nous avons mis en œuvre avec succès des projets clients dans différents domaines tels que le marketing, l'industrie lourde, l'agriculture.

Quelques projets de recherche sur lesquels nous avons travaillé pour améliorer la plateforme :

  • Augmentation des données
  • Compression de modèle
  • Suivi
  • Explicabilité
  • ...

Vous serez le prochain responsable de la vision par ordinateur à compléter notre équipe et à construire notre équipe de rêve !

À propos de la stack technique

  • Nous travaillons avec les principaux Frameworks de ML (Tensorflow, Pytorch, ONNX...)
  • Notre moteur de service est basé sur Nvidia Triton
  • Les projets couvrent l'ensemble du spectre de la vision par ordinateur (détection d'objets, segmentation, suivi...)

À propos des outils

  • Communication : Slack et Keybase
  • Code connexe : Github et Github Actions
  • Collaboration : Notion, Github

Job Openings

See our last available positions

Computer Vision Lead

We are looking for someone experienced in Machine Learning and Computer Vision to lead the different clients projects, help with the platform ML roadmap and assist the more junior people in the team.

Software Engineer

(3y+ exp) F/H

We are looking for someone experienced in Machine Learning and Computer Vision to lead the different clients projects, help with the platform ML roadmap and assist the more junior people in the team.

Junior Frontend Dev

(Intern accepted)

Take ownership of Picsellia’s front-end codebase by incorporating good practices along with our mature back-end codebase.

All jobs

Job Description

As we want to expand the team and our CTO is focusing on some other parts of the development, we are looking for someone experienced in Machine Learning and Computer Vision to lead the different clients projects, help with the platform ML roadmap and assist the more junior people in the team.

Your mission

You’ll be part of the Machine Learning team to accelerate the roadmap mentioned above.

As a Computer Vision Lead at Picsellia, you will:

  • Work hand in hand with the CTO in the Product team to implement solutions that work for our customers;
  • Challenge the current codebase to respect the previously designed good practices;
  • Always challenge the product and technical features;
  • Participate in interviews to hire new team members;
  • Review our team’s work with a focus on code quality and maintainability;
  • Write Decision Records and relevant technical documentation;

You might be a fit if

  • You have a solid experience working with Python;
  • You already worked on some Computer Vision projects at a medium to large scale (10k → 1M images)
  • You have a solid experience in at least one of the following frameworks:
        •    Pytorch
        •    Tensorflow
  • You know Docker and are comfortable packaging and shipping your applications;
  • You always try to stand in the user’s shoes;
  • You don’t hesitate to challenge and refactor the current codebase, be it your code or not;
  • You know how to write efficient and meaningful code reviews, and are open to being thoroughly challenged;
  • You love elegant yet pragmatic code (pragmatism is something you will find a lot at Picsellia);
  • You like challenges and are a team player;
  • You have good coding practices: Git, Testing, Documentation, CI/CD;
  • You are comfortable writing and speaking in English;

Additional Skills

  • You have some experience in backend development (using REST APIs for example) as you’ll be interacting a lot with the product through API.

Hiring Process

  • You love elegant yet pragmatic code (pragmatism is something you will find a lot at Picsellia);
  • You like challenges and are a team player;
  • You have good coding practices: Git, Testing, Documentation, CI/CD;
  • You are comfortable writing and speaking in English;

Perks and Benefits

As we care about our people and want you to feel at home, here is a non-exhaustive list of what we are offering you.

  • Fully-equipped setup
  • Tailor-made Remote Policy: from 1 day per week to Full-remote, with the possibility to work from anywhere (+/- 3 hours) up to 4 weeks per year.
  • A competitive salary package (including stocks)
  • Off-sites and events with the whole team
  • 100% covered public transportation fees
  • Alan health insurance
  • A Swile Card (Tickets Resto) that you can use for lunch expenses
  • Netflix (or other providers) subscription
  • Spotify (or other providers) subscription

Thank you!

We read every message and typically respond within 48 hours.

To speed up the process, feel free to directly schedule a meeting with us.
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All jobs

Job Description

As we want to expand the team and our CTO is focusing on some other parts of the development, we are looking for someone experienced in Machine Learning and Computer Vision to lead the different clients projects, help with the platform ML roadmap and assist the more junior people in the team.

Your mission

You’ll be part of the Machine Learning team to accelerate the roadmap mentioned above.

As a Computer Vision Lead at Picsellia, you will:

  • Work hand in hand with the CTO in the Product team to implement solutions that work for our customers;
  • Challenge the current codebase to respect the previously designed good practices;
  • Always challenge the product and technical features;
  • Participate in interviews to hire new team members;
  • Review our team’s work with a focus on code quality and maintainability;
  • Write Decision Records and relevant technical documentation;

You might be a fit if

  • You have a solid experience working with Python;
  • You already worked on some Computer Vision projects at a medium to large scale (10k → 1M images)
  • You have a solid experience in at least one of the following frameworks:
        •    Pytorch
        •    Tensorflow
  • You know Docker and are comfortable packaging and shipping your applications;
  • You always try to stand in the user’s shoes;
  • You don’t hesitate to challenge and refactor the current codebase, be it your code or not;
  • You know how to write efficient and meaningful code reviews, and are open to being thoroughly challenged;
  • You love elegant yet pragmatic code (pragmatism is something you will find a lot at Picsellia);
  • You like challenges and are a team player;
  • You have good coding practices: Git, Testing, Documentation, CI/CD;
  • You are comfortable writing and speaking in English;

Additional Skills

  • You have some experience in backend development (using REST APIs for example) as you’ll be interacting a lot with the product through API.

Hiring Process

  • You love elegant yet pragmatic code (pragmatism is something you will find a lot at Picsellia);
  • You like challenges and are a team player;
  • You have good coding practices: Git, Testing, Documentation, CI/CD;
  • You are comfortable writing and speaking in English;

Perks and Benefits

As we care about our people and want you to feel at home, here is a non-exhaustive list of what we are offering you.

  • Fully-equipped setup
  • Tailor-made Remote Policy: from 1 day per week to Full-remote, with the possibility to work from anywhere (+/- 3 hours) up to 4 weeks per year.
  • A competitive salary package (including stocks)
  • Off-sites and events with the whole team
  • 100% covered public transportation fees
  • Alan health insurance
  • A Swile Card (Tickets Resto) that you can use for lunch expenses
  • Netflix (or other providers) subscription
  • Spotify (or other providers) subscription

Thank you!

We read every message and typically respond within 48 hours.

To speed up the process, feel free to directly schedule a meeting with us.
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All jobs

Job Description

As we want to expand the team and our CTO is focusing on some other parts of the development, we are looking for someone experienced in Machine Learning and Computer Vision to lead the different clients projects, help with the platform ML roadmap and assist the more junior people in the team.

Your mission

You’ll be part of the Machine Learning team to accelerate the roadmap mentioned above.

As a Computer Vision Lead at Picsellia, you will:

  • Work hand in hand with the CTO in the Product team to implement solutions that work for our customers;
  • Challenge the current codebase to respect the previously designed good practices;
  • Always challenge the product and technical features;
  • Participate in interviews to hire new team members;
  • Review our team’s work with a focus on code quality and maintainability;
  • Write Decision Records and relevant technical documentation;

You might be a fit if

  • You have a solid experience working with Python;
  • You already worked on some Computer Vision projects at a medium to large scale (10k → 1M images)
  • You have a solid experience in at least one of the following frameworks:
        •    Pytorch
        •    Tensorflow
  • You know Docker and are comfortable packaging and shipping your applications;
  • You always try to stand in the user’s shoes;
  • You don’t hesitate to challenge and refactor the current codebase, be it your code or not;
  • You know how to write efficient and meaningful code reviews, and are open to being thoroughly challenged;
  • You love elegant yet pragmatic code (pragmatism is something you will find a lot at Picsellia);
  • You like challenges and are a team player;
  • You have good coding practices: Git, Testing, Documentation, CI/CD;
  • You are comfortable writing and speaking in English;

Additional Skills

  • You have some experience in backend development (using REST APIs for example) as you’ll be interacting a lot with the product through API.

Hiring Process

  • You love elegant yet pragmatic code (pragmatism is something you will find a lot at Picsellia);
  • You like challenges and are a team player;
  • You have good coding practices: Git, Testing, Documentation, CI/CD;
  • You are comfortable writing and speaking in English;

Perks and Benefits

As we care about our people and want you to feel at home, here is a non-exhaustive list of what we are offering you.

  • Fully-equipped setup
  • Tailor-made Remote Policy: from 1 day per week to Full-remote, with the possibility to work from anywhere (+/- 3 hours) up to 4 weeks per year.
  • A competitive salary package (including stocks)
  • Off-sites and events with the whole team
  • 100% covered public transportation fees
  • Alan health insurance
  • A Swile Card (Tickets Resto) that you can use for lunch expenses
  • Netflix (or other providers) subscription
  • Spotify (or other providers) subscription

Thank you!

We read every message and typically respond within 48 hours.

To speed up the process, feel free to directly schedule a meeting with us.
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